Street Fighter II is one of the most important video games ever developed and few fighting games have reached the level of mainstream acceptance as Capcom’s arcade hit. It packed arcades, sold systems and took over the large and small screens too, for better or worse. When it debuted on the SNES it was in its original form, which was quickly overtaken by Championship, Turbo and Super editions and this debut version was missing the crucial ability for two players to select the same character, which was added to later versions. But in truth, the SNES port had this feature, hidden within.
Street Fighter II – Pick The Same Character Video
This is a quick and easy one. You need to reset the console while the game is running. When the game resets and see the Capcom splash screen – You know the one.. On controller one you need to press the following sequence:
Down, R, Up, L, Y and B.
You’ll hear a chime to confirm this code has worked, and when you start the two-player VS mode, not only will you both be able to play as the same character, but one of you will be decked out in Championship Edition colours. No longer will you need to argue over who gets to be Blanka. This was the Street Fighter II Pick The Same Character Cheat, and I’ll be back soon with more cheat codes galore!