You may have forgotten, but the 32/64-bit console generation was a wasteland of edge 3D fighters inspired by Mortal Kombat. And strangely enough, Midway published most of them, and they’re all pretty crap.
Such as Mace: The Dark Age, a mostly forgettable medieval fighter with supernatural elements and as you can imagine, it featured a cast of deadly fighters with pointy outfits and even pointier weapons. My favourite’s the one with the angry face. You know the one. Oh, wait, they all have angry faces.
You’re watching Pug Hoof Gaming, the home of gaming greatness, and we’re going to give these intimidating warriors a makeover in the footwear department.
A quick and easy cheat this time around, as many of Mace’s codes are enabled by highlighting various silly-named characters on the select screen and pressing the Start button on each one in a particular sequence.
Which is exactly what you’re going to do here, so let’s start by highlighting Ragnar and press Start. Then, move to Dregan and press Start. Finally, move the cursor to Koyasha and press Start.
Pick your character, and as you start to engage in the most Mortal of Kombats, you’ll see that the combatants are wearing the most adorable pairs of bunny slippers. Does it have any real purpose? Of course not, but when you’re playing a game this mediocre, you need to grab every ounce of entertainment and joy you can.
I hope you enjoyed this slice of gaming greatness, but before you click that subscribe button below, let me impart to you this thought: Why don’t more gaming characters wear comfortable footwear. Or better yet, enjoy the delights of a nice, warm comfy pair of pyjamas.